Complaints procedure
What to do if you have a complaint
rhw solicitors LLP works hard to deliver the best possible service to its clients. If at any time you feel we are failing to do so we need to know so that we can put matters right as soon as possible.
By listening to your views we are also able to improve the way we do things for you in the future.
This leaflet explains how to raise complaints with us, what we will do to respond to you and what to do if, in the end, you are still dissatisfied. If you cannot resolve the complaint with the lawyer representing you, please contact Richard Brown, the Partner for complaints handling.
What we need to know
In order to understand and respond effectively to your complaint we need to know as much as possible about the reasons behind it:
- What is your complaint about
- The names of people you are unhappy with
- The dates and time involved
- What you feel has gone wrong
- What you feel we should do to put matters right
- What loss you have suffered
- What we will do
The lawyer handling your matter will acknowledge your complaint as quickly as possible and aim to do so within two working days. The lawyer will tell you how long we expect it will take to respond fully to you - normally no more than three weeks.
If you are then still unhappy with our response please contact our Complaints Partner.
The papers will then be passed to him for review and he will contact you as quickly as possible to try to resolve matters. You may request a meeting with him if you wish, otherwise he will write to you.
If you are still unhappy, or if we have not responded within eight weeks of your complaint, you may refer the matter to the Legal Ombudsman provided the complaint is made within six months of our written response to your complaint and it is made within six years of the act or omission complained of, or three years from when you should have known there was a cause for complaint. If your complaint involves alleged negligence by this firm we will advise you to seek advice from another solicitor.
The Legal Ombudsman can be contacted at :-
PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ or at or telephone on 0300 5550333
You will not be charged for the time spent by us investigating and responding to your complaints.
- rhw solicitors LLP
- Ranger House
- Walnut Tree Close
- Guildford
- Surrey
- GU1 4UL
- 01483 302000
- 01483 301242
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