Mental Capacity - New Article
You may think you don’t need to make a lasting power of attorney, because your money is held in a joint bank account with your partner. Think Again!
You may think you don’t need to make a lasting power of attorney, because your money is held in a joint bank account with your partner. Think Again!
Figures from the office of national statistics has indicated that the number of cohabiting couples has increased by 22% over the last 10 years.
Andrea Sutcliffe, the first Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has announced a number of proposed changes in an attempt to shake up the way the CQC carries out its inspections of Care Homes and also to improve the perception of CQC by Care Sector professionals and the Public.
CQC has revealed that one in eight adult social care services does not have a registered manager in place. Chief Executive David Behan has said that it was "unacceptable" and that services without a registered manager (RM) were more likely to be failing to meet essential standards than those with an RM in place. He said the CQC would write to providers who have not had a RM in any of their services for a period of time to say that they are at risk of being fined up to £4,000.
If you are thinking of selling your house we suggest that you contact us before the property is put on the market. You need a quality solicitor. A home is usually the largest investment of your life. It's not a time to cut corners. You will have enough to manage in the move itself, with arranging and contacting for removal services, schools, utility companies etc without having to deal with the legal issues but if you still need reasons why you should involve rhw as early as possible, please read on:
Nick Richardson and Giles Gillingham toured the ongoing works at the Guidlford YMCA with the Guildford YMCA's CEO Pete Brayne.
When you buy property (whether residential or commercial) one of the key tasks of your solicitor is to check for any potential “hidden” liabilities. Though the system of Land Registration is aimed at achieving transparency, there is still a little way to go and one such potential liability is chancel repair.
What lucky business will be moving in to these office then? Don't look much at the moment. Watch this space!
Dealing with clients' unpaid debts is an issue that all businesses will face at one time or another - the question is how to deal with them?
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