Buying land free from Chancel repair liability

Buying land free from Chancel repair liability

When you buy property (whether residential or commercial) one of the key tasks of your solicitor is to check for any potential “hidden” liabilities.  Read more

Joint Bank Accounts & Mental Capacity

Joint Bank Accounts & Mental Capacity

You may think you don’t need to make a lasting power of attorney, because your money is held in a joint bank account with your partner.  Read more

Capital Gains Tax - HMRC Relief Decision

Capital Gains Tax - HMRC Relief Decision

HMRC denies CGT relief where home knocked down and replaced.In general, no capital gains tax (CGT) is payable when you sell your main residence. This is due to principal private residence relief (PPR)  Read more

Inheritance Tax - Transfer of Nil Rate Band

Inheritance Tax - Transfer of Nil Rate Band

Did you know that it is possible to transfer your unused nil rate band allowance to your spouse when you die, in addition to his/her own nil rate band?  Read more

Probate - A Useful and Simple Guide

Probate - A Useful and Simple Guide

rhw have written a guide for individuals wanting to understand more about how probate works and what the individual legal terms mean. Please read on!  Read more

Wills - A Useful and Simple Guide

Wills - A Useful and Simple Guide

rhw have written a guide for individuals wanting to understand more about wills and what the individual legal terms mean. Please read on!  Read more

Selling Your House? - Why you need rhw's services

Selling Your House? - Why you need rhw's services

If you are thinking of selling your house we suggest that you contact us before the property is put on the market. Read more

Finance Bill 2013 - Possible Changes to Inheritance Tax

Finance Bill 2013 - Possible Changes to Inheritance Tax

This year’s Finance Bill contains provisions, which appeared without warning or consultation, that abandon the previously accepted concept that inheritance tax. Read more

ADRT & LPA - Compare and Contrast

ADRT & LPA - Compare and Contrast

Media interest in Court cases involving end of life treatment remains intense and more than ever we are made aware of the complex legal and ethical questions involved. Read more

Variation of Wills - Deeds of Variation

Variation of Wills - Deeds of Variation

There are many reasons why a beneficiary may want to consider a Deed of Variation. This article describes how deeds of variation work and what issues need to be considered. Read more