
Running a dental practice comes with its own particular set of legal and regulatory challenges that non specialist lawyers may not fully appreciate. Buying or selling a practice, setting up a partnership or expense sharing agreement, dealing with the PCT,and protecting your patient base are all examples of complex legal issues where specialist legal advice is essential.

Our knowledge in these matters is extensive, having been acting for dental clients over many years. We were instrumental in setting up the various procedures required to deal with the sale of an NHS dental practice, now adopted and used by many other specialist dental lawyers.

Our team of specialist dental lawyers have a wealth of knowledge and experience and will advise and guide you through the possible pitfalls of dental practice ownership. What our clients say: “Your visit to the practice was invaluable and worth every penny”  You can contact the Dental Team via e-mail: or by calling 01483 302000.

Did you know we also do...

Partnership Disputes

When positions within a dispute – be it with supplier, client, partner or employee – become entrenched it is often advisable to seek the intervention of a neutral 3rd party to act as a mediator

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