rhw commercial solicitors, Guildford, Surrey.

rhw business solicitors in Guildford, Surrey.
rhw business solicitors in Guildford, Surrey.

Mergers & Acquisitions

200 years of trusted commercial legal advice

Mergers & Acquisitions

200 years of trusted commercial legal advice

When dealing with mergers and acquisitions you need to first determine what type of transaction you are referring to. A merger is when two companies combine to form an entirely new company, whereas an acquisition is when one company takes over another without absorbing it as a single entity.

Acquisitions can also be completed as either a share or asset acquisitions, and whilst many of the steps required such as due diligence are the same as an outright purchase, each of these instances requires a wholly different set of legal processes.

RHW has built up a team of expert solicitors whose sole role is to assist with mergers and acquisitions. They have expertise in both the letter and real-world application of the laws governing these complex transactions and are ideally placed to advise and assist organisations of all sizes and sectors.


“As soon as we spoke to Nick we knew they were the solicitors for us. Consistently friendly, helpful and efficient we couldn’t have asked for more whilst selling our business. Their knowledge, advice and professionalism was like a comfort blanket especially when things got stressful.

The sale went through on time and we can’t recommend them highly enough.

Thank you again Nick and Alice for all your work."

JD, Surrey


“I have used the services of RHW solicitors in Guildford on several occasions, for both business and personal purposes.

Every time they delivered a very professional service and kept me up-to-date throughout each project.

Did they offer value for money? Yes, absolutely. It was well worth it for the peace of mind of having the legal advice and services of their experienced team of lawyers onboard.

I recommend RHW for their property and commercial law services. I understand that they have a highly-regarded family law team too.”

BW, Surrey


“Just thought you might be interested to know that your advice last autumn helped to conclude a franchise agreement in December and I am now up and running…

If I need any further help of a legal nature I will certainly be in touch.”

SM, Surrey

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Meet the Corporate Team


Nick Richardson

Brian Shacklady

Stephen Bottomley

Daniel Crate

Member Partner


Associate Solicitor

Associate Solicitor


Alice Ryder

Hannah Gibbons

Jack Lightburn

Julia Finill


Trainee Solicitor

Associate Solicitor

Legal Secretary

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Nick Richardson

Member Partner


Brian Shacklady



Stephen Bottomley

Associate Solicitor


Daniel Crate

Associate Solicitor


Alice Ryder



Hannah Gibbons

Trainee Solicitor


Jack Lightburn

Associate Solicitor


Julia Finill

Legal Secretary

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Related Services


  • Heads of terms.
  • Shareholder’s agreements.
  • Cross option agreements.
  • NDAs.
  • SLAs.


  • Commercial property development.
  • Commercial leases.
  • Commercial property management.
  • Funding and leasing.

Buying or Selling a

  • Heads of terms.
  • Due diligence.
  • Sale and Purchase Agreement.
  • Disclosure letter.

Mergers and

  • Share purchase.
  • Asset purchase.
  • Due diligence.
  • Warranties & Indemnities.

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Agreements (NDAs)

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rhw personal and commercial solicitors in Guildford, Surrey.

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